Premium Steel Beams

Structural beams and H-Pile are made to hold up a lot of weight. They’re used in all sorts of building projects, like homes, businesses, and big machines. They’re also used in projects that help a community, like bridges or roads. Steel and Pipe Supply offers these beams in different shapes like Wide Flange, Junior Beams, and I-Beams. You can pick from different sizes, weights, and types of steel. You can even get them cut to the length you need. H-Pile beams are special because they’re square and get hammered into the ground to make a strong base for buildings.

Wide Flange
I-Beam (S)
Junior Beam (M)
Wide Flange

Nominal Depth (IN) Lbs/Ft Section Depth (IN) Flange Width(IN) Flange Thickness (IN) Web Thickness (IN)
4 13 4.16 4.06 0.345 0.28
5 16 5.01 5 0.36 0.24
5 19 5.15 5.03 0.43 0.27
6 9 5.9 3.94 0.215 0.17
6 12 6.03 4 0.28 0.23
6 16 6.28 4.03 0.405 0.26
6 15 5.99 5.99 0.26 0.23
6 20 6.2 6.02 0.365 0.26
6 25 6.38 6.08 0.455 0.32
8 10 7.89 3.94 0.205 0.17
8 13 7.99 4 0.255 0.23
8 15 8.11 4.015 0.315 0.245
8 18 8.14 5.25 0.33 0.23
8 21 8.28 5.27 0.4 0.25
8 24 7.93 6.495 0.4 0.245
8 28 8.06 6.535 0.465 0.285
8 31 8 7.995 0.435 0.285
8 35 8.12 8.02 0.495 0.31
8 40 8.25 8.07 0.56 0.36
8 48 8.5 8.11 0.685 0.4
8 58 8.75 8.22 0.81 0.51
8 67 9 8.28 0.935 0.57
10 12 9.87 3.96 0.21 0.19
10 15 9.99 4 0.27 0.23
10 17 10.11 4.01 0.33 0.24
10 19 10.24 4.02 0.395 0.25
10 22 10.17 5.75 0.36 0.24
10 26 10.33 5.77 0.44 0.26
10 30 10.47 5.81 0.51 0.3
10 33 9.73 7.96 0.435 0.29
10 39 9.92 7.985 0.53 0.315
10 45 10.1 8.02 0.62 0.35
10 49 9.98 10 0.56 0.34
10 54 10.09 10.03 0.615 0.37
10 60 10.22 10.08 0.68 0.42
10 68 10.4 10.13 0.77 0.47
10 77 10.6 10.19 0.87 0.53
10 88 10.84 10.265 0.99 0.605
10 100 11.1 10.34 1.12 0.68
10 112 11.36 10.415 1.25 0.755
12 14 11.91 3.97 0.225 0.2
12 16 11.99 3.99 0.265 0.22
12 19 12.16 4.005 0.35 0.235
12 22 12.31 4.03 0.425 0.26
12 26 12.22 6.49 0.38 0.23
12 30 12.34 6.52 0.44 0.26
12 35 12.5 6.56 0.52 0.3
12 40 11.94 8.005 0.515 0.295
12 45 12.06 8.045 0.575 0.335
12 50 12.19 8.08 0.64 0.37
12 53 12.06 9.995 0.575 0.345
12 58 12.19 10.01 0.64 0.36
12 65 12.12 12 0.605 0.39
12 72 12.25 12.04 0.67 0.43
12 79 12.38 12.08 0.735 0.47
12 87 12.53 12.125 0.81 0.515
12 96 12.71 12.16 0.9 0.55
12 106 12.89 12.22 0.99 0.61
12 120 13.12 12.32 1.105 0.71
12 136 13.41 12.4 1.25 0.79
12 152 13.71 12.48 1.4 0.87
14 22 13.74 5 0.335 0.23
14 26 13.91 5.025 0.42 0.255
14 30 13.84 6.73 0.385 0.27
14 34 13.98 6.745 0.455 0.285
14 38 14.1 6.77 0.515 0.31
14 43 13.66 7.995 0.53 0.305
14 48 13.79 8.03 0.595 0.34
14 53 13.92 8.06 0.66 0.37
14 61 13.89 9.995 0.645 0.375
14 68 14.04 10.035 0.72 0.415
14 74 14.17 10.07 0.785 0.45
14 82 14.31 10.13 0.855 0.51
14 90 14.02 14.52 0.71 0.44
14 99 14.16 14.565 0.78 0.485
14 109 14.32 14.605 0.86 0.525
14 120 14.48 14.67 0.94 0.59
14 132 14.66 14.725 1.03 0.645
14 145 14.78 15.5 1.09 0.68
14 159 14.98 15.565 1.19 0.745
14 176 15.22 15.65 1.31 0.83
14 193 15.48 15.71 1.44 0.89
14 211 15.72 15.8 1.56 0.98
16 26 15.69 5.5 0.345 0.25
16 31 15.88 5.525 0.44 0.275
16 36 15.86 6.985 0.43 0.295
16 40 16.01 6.995 0.505 0.305
16 45 16.13 7.035 0.565 0.345
16 50 16.26 7.07 0.63 0.38
16 57 16.43 7.12 0.715 0.43
16 67 16.33 10.235 0.665 0.395
16 77 16.52 10.295 0.76 0.455
16 89 16.75 10.365 0.875 0.525
16 100 16.97 10.425 0.985 0.585
18 35 17.7 6 0.425 0.3
18 40 17.90 6.015 0.525 0.315
18 46 18.06 6.06 0.605 0.36
18 50 17.99 7.495 0.57 0.355
18 55 18.11 7.53 0.63 0.39
18 60 18.24 7.555 0.695 0.415
18 65 18.35 7.59 0.75 0.45
18 71 18.47 7.635 0.81 0.495
18 76 18.21 11.035 0.68 0.425
18 86 18.39 11.09 0.77 0.48
18 97 18.59 11.145 0.87 0.535
18 106 18.73 11.2 0.94 0.59
18 119 18.97 11.265 1.06 0.655
18 130 19.25 11.16 1.2 0.67
18 143 19.49 11.22 1.32 0.73
21 44 20.66 6.5 0.45 0.35
21 48 20.65 8.14 0.43 0.35
21 50 20.83 6.53 0.535 0.38
21 55 20.8 8.22 0.522 0.375
21 57 21.06 6.555 0.65 0.405
21 62 20.99 8.24 0.615 0.4
21 68 21.13 8.27 0.685 0.43
21 73 21.24 8.295 0.74 0.455
21 83 21.43 8.355 0.835 0.515
21 93 21.62 8.42 0.93 0.58
21 101 21.36 12.29 0.8 0.5
21 111 21.51 12.34 0.875 0.55
21 122 21.68 12.39 0.96 0.6
21 132 21.83 12.44 1.035 0.65
24 55 23.57 7.005 0.505 0.395
24 62 23.74 7.04 0.59 0.43
24 68 23.73 8.965 0.585 0.415
24 76 23.92 8.99 0.68 0.44
24 84 24.1 9.02 0.77 0.47
24 94 24.31 9.065 0.875 0.515
24 103 24.53 9 0.981 0.55
24 104 24.06 12.75 0.75 0.5
24 117 24.26 12.8 0.85 0.55
24 131 24.48 12.855 0.96 0.605
24 146 24.74 12.8 1.08 0.65
24 162 25 12.955 1.22 0.705
24 176 25.24 12.89 1.34 0.75
24 192 25.47 21.95 1.45 0.81
27 84 26.71 9.96 0.64 0.46
27 94 26.92 9.99 0.745 0.49
27 102 27.09 10.015 0.83 0.515
27 114 27.29 10.07 0.93 0.57
27 129 27.63 10.01 1.1 0.61
27 146 27.38 13.965 0.975 0.605
27 161 27.59 14.02 1.08 0.66
27 178 27.81 14.085 1.19 0.725
27 194 28.11 14.035 1.34 0.75
30 90 29.53 10.4 0.61 0.47
30 99 29.65 10.45 0.67 0.52
30 108 29.83 10.475 0.76 0.545
30 116 30.01 10.495 0.85 0.565
30 124 30.17 10.515 0.93 0.585
30 132 30.31 10.545 1 0.615
30 148 30.67 10.48 1.18 0.65
30 173 30.44 14.985 1.065 0.655
30 191 30.68 15.04 1.185 0.71
33 118 32.86 11.48 0.74 0.55
33 130 33.09 11.51 0.855 0.58
33 141 33.30 11.535 0.96 0.65
33 152 33.49 11.565 1.055 0.635
33 169 33.82 11.5 1.22 0.67
36 135 35.55 11.95 0.79 0.6
36 150 35.85 11.975 0.94 0.625
36 160 36.01 12 1.02 0.65
36 170 36.17 12.03 1.1 0.68
36 210 36.69 12.18 1.36 0.83
36 230 35.9 16.47 1.26 0.76
36 231 36.49 16.47 1.26 0.76
36 232 37.12 12.12 1.57 0.87
36 245 36.08 16.51 1.35 0.8
36 256 37.43 12.215 1.73 0.96
36 260 36.26 16.55 1.44 0.84
36 280 36.52 16.595 1.57 0.885
36 300 36.74 16.655 1.68 0.945
36 328 37.09 16.63 1.85 1.02
36 359 37.4 16.73 2.01 1.12
36 393 37.8 16.83 2.2 1.22
36 439 38.26 16.965 2.44 1.36
40 149 38.2 11.81 0.83 0.63
40 167 38.59 11.81 1.025 0.65
40 174 38.2 15.75 0.83 0.65
40 183 38.98 11.81 1.22 0.65
40 199 38.67 15.75 1.065 0.65
40 211 39.37 11.81 1.415 0.75
40 215 38.98 15.75 1.22 0.65
40 235 39.69 11.89 1.575 0.83
40 249 39.38 15.75 1.42 0.75
40 264 40 11.93 1.73 0.96
40 277 39.69 15.83 1.575 0.83
40 278 40.16 11.97 1.81 1.02
40 297 39.84 15.825 1.65 0.93
40 321 40.08 15.91 1.77 1
40 331 40.79 12.17 2.13 1.22
40 372 40.63 16.06 2.05 1.16
40 392 41.57 12.36 2.52 1.42
40 431 41.26 16.22 2.36 1.34
40 466 42.44 12.64 2.95 1.67
40 503 42.05 16.42 2.76 1.54
40 593 42.99 16.69 3.23 1.79
44 230 42.91 15.75 1.22 0.71
44 262 43.31 15.75 1.42 0.79
44 290 43.62 15.83 1.58 0.87
44 335 44.02 15.95 1.77 1.02

I-Beam (S)

Section Depth (IN) Flange Width (IN) Flange Thickness (IN) Web Thickness (IN) Weight per Foot (LB)
3 2.33 0.26 0.17 5.7
3 2.509 0.26 0.349 7.5
4 2.663 0.293 0.193 7.7
4 2.796 0.293 0.326 9.5
5 3.004 0.326 0.214 10
6 3.332 0.359 0.232 12.5
6 3.565 0.359 0.465 17.25
8 4.001 0.425 0.271
8 4.171 0.425 0.441 23
10 4.661 0.491 0.311 25.4
10 4.944 0.491 0.594 35
12 5 0.544 0.35 31.8
12 5.078 0.544 0.428 35
12 5.252 0.659 0.462
12 5.477 0.659 0.687 50
15 5.501 0.622 0.411 42.9
15 5.64 0.622 0.55 50
18 6.001 0.691 0.461 54.7
18 6.251 0.691 0.711 70
20 6.255 0.795 0.505 66
20 6.385 0.795 0.635 75
20 7.06 0.92 0.66 86
20 7.2 0.92 0.8 96
24 7 0.87 0.5 80
24 7.125 0.87 0.625 90
24 7.245 0.87 0.745 100
24 7.87 1.09 0.62 106

Junior Beam (M)

Section Depth (IN) Flange Width (IN) Flange Thickness (IN) Web Thickness (IN) Weight per Foot (LB)
6 1.844 0.171 0.114 4.4
8 2.281 0.189 0.135 6.5
10 2.69 0.206 0.157 9
12 3.065 0.225 0.177 11.8


Section Depth (IN) Flange Width (IN) Flange Thickness (IN) Web Thickness (IN) Weight per Foot (LB)
6 1.844 0.171 0.114 4.4
8 2.281 0.189 0.135 6.5
10 2.69 0.206 0.157 9
12 3.065 0.225 0.177 11.8

Our Product List

Steel and Pipe Supply offers deep inventories of a diverse assortment of carbon steel products in a wide range of sizes, shapes and grades. The strength of our supply chain starts with a foundation of powerful mill relationships that ensures that Steel and Pipe Supply will have the steel you need.

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The Crossroads Leading Steel and Pipe Solutions

Steel and Pipe Supply proudly serves the entire Crossroads region, extending our exceptional services from Victoria County to Bexar County to Brazoria County. We’re committed to delivering quality steel and unparalleled customer service to every corner of this vibrant region.


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